Tiefenbacher Pharmaceuticals and DKMS together against blood cancer!
First of all we are pleased to inform you that we have initiated a DKMS registration event during the last week in our headquartes in Hamburg to look for potential donors who are willing to help people with blood cancer or other blood disorders with their blood stem cells. Accordingly to DKMS research every year, nearly one million people are diagnosed with blood cancer. For many of them a stem cell transplant is the only chance of survival. Only around a third of them find a suitable stem cell donor within their own family.
DKMS Group is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders by creating awareness, recruiting bone marrow donors to provide a second chance at life, raising funds to match donor registrations costs, and supporting the improvement of blood cancer therapies by their own research. Additionally we are happy to further support this important organization by a monetary donation.
All in all: Thanks a lot to all colleagues who have registered! We hope that we can also inspire people outside our company to get involved Swabbing is easy and painless! Let´s save lives together and register: Stammzellspende: Registriere dich hier! | DKMS Deutschland. People from any other country find their local registry here: Become a donor | WMDA
TIEFENBACHER PHARMACEUTICALS, a part of Tiefenbacher Group, develops and commercializes generic, value added, and innovative pharmaceuticals as well as medical devices and e-health solutions worldwide. We provide over 180+ pharmaceutical products across various therapeutic categories in 10+ dosage forms. With our in-house product development and manufacturing, we can address specific therapeutic needs in unique formulations of prescription drugs (Rx) and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for global markets.
For more information about our finished dosage forms (FDF) including highly potent drugs and healthcare solutions, please contact Tiefenbacher Pharmaceuticals: info@tiefenbacher.com or visit us on: www.tiefenbacher-pharmaceuticals.com

About Tiefenbacher Group – Pioneering Healthcare since 1963
Tiefenbacher Group is a purpose-driven and 100% family-owned healthcare company providing best-in-class solutions along the entire pharmaceutical value chain. From the initial idea to market access of high-quality medicines around the world: We distribute APIs and develop, produce, and register finished dosage forms (FDF) including highly potent drugs as well as medical devices and e-health-solutions. Our purpose is to improve people’s lives by making pharmaceuticals more affordable, more available, and better than ever before.
For further information about our solutions for better healthcare and our in-house capabilities to develop and commercialize pharmaceutical products (including highly potent drugs) and e-health-solutions for global markets, please contact us by email at info@tiefenbacher.com or visit us on www.tiefenbachergroup.com